COURSE OBJECTIVES The main aim of the course is to promote and create professional teams working in swimming pools throughout Italy who follow the TMA Caputo Ippolito Method with theoretical-practical competences in autism and its treatment. TMA is a therapy that uses water as an emotional, sensory, motor activator, capable of pushing a person affected [...]
COURSE OBJECTIVES The main aim of the course is to promote and create professional teams working in swimming pools throughout Italy who follow the TMA Caputo Ippolito Method with theoretical-practical competences in autism and its treatment. TMA is a therapy that uses water as an emotional, sensory, motor activator, capable of pushing a person affected [...]
COURSE OBJECTIVES The main aim of the course is to promote and create professional teams working in swimming pools throughout Italy who follow the TMA Caputo Ippolito Method with theoretical-practical competences in autism and its treatment. TMA is a therapy that uses water as an emotional, sensory, motor activator, capable of pushing a person affected [...]
COURSE OBJECTIVES The main aim of the course is to promote and create professional teams working in swimming pools throughout Italy who follow the TMA Caputo Ippolito Method with theoretical-practical competences in autism and its treatment. TMA is a therapy that uses water as an emotional, sensory, motor activator, capable of pushing a person affected [...]
COURSE OBJECTIVES The main aim of the course is to promote and create professional teams working in swimming pools throughout Italy who follow the TMA Caputo Ippolito Method with theoretical-practical competences in autism and its treatment. TMA is a therapy that uses water as an emotional, sensory, motor activator, capable of pushing a person affected [...]
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